Year: 2015-2016.
Status: Complete and approved by customer.
- Offshore platforms inspection. Perform dimentional survey to be able to prepare “As built” drawings. Locate and identify all platform elements anomalies. Perform detailed inspection of welding joints. Measure elemets thickness, check cathodic protection effectiveness. Prepare 3D model with all anomalies locations.
- Pipelines and risers. Check condition of pipeline coating, flanges, supports. Check risers and their clamps condition. Measure the present diameter and wall thickness of the pipelines and risers. Prepare as-built drawings.
Used technologies:
- Visual inspection (performed by ROV, divers and steeplejacks);
- Ultrasonic testing;
- Cathodic potential measurement (performed by ROV and divers);
- Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM).
Project milestones and summary.
During the project we have surveyed:
- 4 A&D Platforms;
- 9 Operational Platforms;
- 96 Risers;
- more than 100 kilometers of pipelines;
- inspected 4112 weld joints;
- surveyed more than 19000 elements of platform;
- performed 10733 UT full scans;
- done more than 6000 UT measurements.
As a result we have found 2912 anomalies.