So, dear friends, I officially declare – “the masks have been dropped”! PSS Company (Cyprus) and ES Ak-Kerven (Turkmenistan) are official business partners in the offshore services market of Turkmenistan. PSS experience in the field of safe performance of diving and ROV services, as well as exclusive technologies, combined with…
ABS In-Water Survey certification

We are proud to announce that we have recently received the ABS In-Water Survey certification and would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for your continued loyalty. In-Water Survey – method for surveying the underwater parts of a vessels when it is still afloat, rather than…
Our representatives at IMCA Diving Conference at Bergen

This year we visited International Diving Seminar and IMCA Conference at Bergen, Norway. It was great event and PSS Ltd is proud of becoming part of it. Now we are still more determined that we have chosen the right way to improve our services and “adopt to a volatile market”.
PSS at ADIPEC 2019

Dear Colleagues, PSS continuously check the diving and ROV market with EXPO, Seminars, conferences etc… Now it’s one of the biggest show ever – ADIPEC 2019 (Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference). PSS representatives will take a part as visitors this time and we believe we will meet all target…

Dear collegues, We are happy to announce that PSS ltd takes a part in Bergen International Diving Seminar 2019 organized by IMCA in Norway 13-14 November 2019. This is the first IMCA seminar, where we take a part as IMCA member. All involved companies are most welcomed. Seminar slogan – “Are we adapting…
PSS at GOTECH 2019

PSS team have just returned back from Dubai event GOTECH 2019, which is organized by Dragon Oil, our solid partner and long-term customer. It was an amazing trip and an excellent experience to attend GOTECH. The conference addressed the following topics: Subsurface Technologies Drilling & Completions Technologies Innovation Surface Engineering…
Welding Training at STC «Paton Welding Institute»

PSS continuously work on keeping high level of divers skills. During preparation to upcoming underwater wet welding project, our diving personnel have passed regular trainings course on underwater wet welding. The course hosted at our partner’s training facility at STC «Paton welding Institute». Our divers welders have trained on following…
Result of business trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dear Colleagues, It’s in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia now! For years PSS tried to enter the market of KSA and PSS representatives have just returned back from Saudi Arabia business trip. Before the trip we knew that oil and gas business here has the highest standard level and this market…
Agency agreement between PSS Ltd. and AMCL

PSS Professional Subsea Service Ltd. has signed the agency agreement with AMCL (Azmi Abdullatif AbdulHadi & Abdullah Mohanna Al-Moaibed Co. Ltd.). They became our exclusive agents to promote the services of the company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. More projects ahead!
OGA 2019 Participation Results

Dear Colleagues, PSS Professional Subsea Service Ltd., along with TS Maritime, had exhibit at OGA 2019, Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia. The exhibition was very crowded. But unfortunately for us there wasn’t so many representatives from offshore oil and gas companies. Still, we want give a huge thanks to the event organizers United…